CADI Empowers Sales Teams

CADI, Carlsberg Group's vital Salesforce automation tool, was used by sales representatives across 11 versions in 7 countries.

Product Design

Design System


CADI is Carlsberg Group's vital Salesforce automation tool. The users, however, need to juggle multiple tools resulted in divided attention and decreased focus. Our main mission was to integrate CADI with Carlsberg's design system, Malty, to create a seamless and efficient user experience. We aimed to optimize data-driven features, enhance task management, and unify the UX to support sales reps in their demanding roles.

Cadi app UI


We had to balance research and development priorities amidst evolving market needs while ensuring seamless UX across varied trade channel customizations. Key hurdles included addressing survey process limitations and reports responses improvement.


Our methodology involved tree pillars: UX Research and Strategy Mapping to understand user needs, Iterative Ideation Phase for continuous refinement of wireframes and prototypes to ensured designs met markets and users expectation, and Detailed Design Files for smooth design-to-development handoff and a comprehensive documentation to support the integration with Malty, Carlsberg's Design System.
This approach ensured that our solutions were both user-centric and practical.

ux research and strategy mapping
ux research and strategy mapping
ux research and strategy mapping

UX Research and Strategy Mapping

iterative ideation phase
iterative ideation phase
iterative ideation phase

Iterative Ideation Phase

Detailed design files
Detailed design files
Detailed design files

Local library for Design System Integration


Enhanced ordering and campaign processes for a better sales rep experience.

Iterated Prospect Management 2.0 and optimized automated visit planning logic.

Refactored FIT Survey, improving creation and filling processes.


Our efforts resulted in an enhanced CADI platform that simplified complex tasks like visit planning, surveying, and ordering, making it more user-friendly and intuitive. These improvements enabled sales reps to provide more personalized service and dedicate more time to customer interactions, significantly reducing the burden of administrative tasks. Positive feedback from sales reps and stakeholders increased platform adoption and cemented CADI's role in Carlsberg’s sales strategies, significantly boosting Carlsberg's market relevance and industry leadership.

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